Marianske Lazne Hotels, Overview of the Spa in the Czech Republic

Marianske Lazne

Body and Soul Balm in Marianske Lazne

When you go through the centre of Mariánské Lázně, you feel that the time has come back and you are in the last century at its beginning. The magnificent spa buildings are interspersed with well-kept parks, spa guests are satisfied and peacefully going through and drinking the spa springs. Although not as old as Karlovy Vary, the city has been able to easily gain a position in the peak of Europe’s most beautiful spa towns.

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200 years ago, in Mariánské Lázně, visitors would find only dense forests and pobublávající swamps. The doctor from the monastery in Teplá proved the health effects of the local springs and the expansion of the spa town was determined. The residence was used by famous cultural figures of the time as Chopin, Strauss or Goethe.

Marianske Lazne Hotels
Marianske Lazne

Marianske Lazne Springs

In the wider vicinity of the town there are around 160 springs, while in Mariánské lázně you will find more than 50 cold mineral springs, which are used for the successful treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, nerve and digestive systems, as well as on the skin Problems and respiratory disorders. It is not only for treatment, but also for Zkrášlováním, omlazováním, Wellness, relexací and golf. In most of the local spa buildings you can experience pampering in the form of unique wellness procedures that perfectly relax your body and mind. The most prominent feature of Mariánské Lázně is the magnificent parks. If you’re tired of walking, sit by the coffee and sample some excellent spa wafers.

Singing fountain

Neoclassical cast iron colonnade, which dates from the year 1899 and is one of the most beautiful in Bohemia is a unique repair. Music Classics are held here during the spa season. Near the colonnade you will find the world famous singing fountain, where you can hear from several world-famous songs every odd hour. In the evening, when the fountain is illuminated by light effects, the experience is the most beautiful.

The surroundings of the city offer other possibilities. Whether it’s the castle of Kynžvart, or the magnificent Teplá Monastery, the Royal Golf Club or the opportunity for hiking tours, everyone here comes to their own.

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Beauty of Mariánské Lázně and its surroundings

There are plenty of possibilities to experience a nice afternoon or evening in the vicinity of Marianske Lazne. Take a stroll around the parks, colonnades and taste the healing springs and spa wafers. There are also active skiers here. Other tips for trips:

  • Premonstrátský Monastery Teplá
  • Park Boheminium
  • Castle Kynžvart
  • Loket Castle
  • Krásenská Lookout Tower
  • Museum of Mining in Planá
  • Teplá Monastery

Tips for trips around Marianske Lazne

The bear Spring is a faintly mineralized železnatá acid. It is protected by a wooden canopy. Nearby there is a wooden gazebo and a statue of a bear.

Colonnade in Mariánské lázně-pseudo cast iron colonnade from the year 1889 with the singing fountain.

The prospect of Mariánské Lázně, accompanied by a table with panoramic descriptions. There is a wooden gazebo.

The Royal golf Club Mariánské Lázně-The oldest golf course in Bohemia and one of the oldest courses in Europe was founded and inaugurated in 1905 by the English King Edward VII. Thanks to the higher altitude there begins the season later than on other Czech courses. In 2003, she was queen of Elizabeth II. Granted golf Club the right to use the title Royal.

Lázně Kynžvart-Spring Richard-very well known healing mineral water, clear, pleasantly refreshing taste. The Vývěr is captured 9.3 m deep wells. The water temperature is 8.8 °c.

Royal Golf and Spa Club Kynžvart-Golf Resort is situated in the environment of the historic Castle Park founded in the years 1821-1831. The Resort is sensitively set in historical and naturally exceptional surroundings with the backdrop of the classicist castle. Golfers are offered a 18jamkový area.

Natural Landmark Reservation is the Kladno. The National Nature Reserve of the peat bog consists of several separate peatlands surrounded by rašelinným forest. Interesting forest Moorland, 5 km away from Marianske Lazne. The name comes from escaping sulfur gases. With Rašeliništěm you can familiarize yourself with the local tourist trail, which runs all over the wooden walkway. It is 76 m long and you can see the Mofetový shield of mud volcano and vývěr gas in a green pond from the viewing platforms.

The highest peak of the Slavkov forest is Lesný high 983 meters. It features a wooden gazebo. For afforestation, the view is only south and west.

Lazurový Vrch is a nature reserve protecting scree forests representing klimaxovou vegetation on steep rocky slopes and protection of major winter habitat bats. On its hill are visible remnants of the medieval castle Lazurová hora. It is krsed through fully pierced medieval galleries.


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